Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hire A Date

Being single and living fancy free does have its many benefits. After all you can pretty much do what you want whenever you want with no one to answer too. But let's face it, even the biggest party animal needs a partner in certain situations.

I myself believe that attending social functions and events does occasionally warrant having someone accompany you. This is especially important at social events where the people attending are predominately all couples. There is nothing worse than being the odd one out. It can play havoc on your confidence and leaves you feeling quite left out.

In situations like this Hiring a Platonic Date can really prove to be quite convenient and very practical. It also gives you a great opportunity to make a brand new friend and broaden your social circle. The person you hire can be anyone you want and concocting an imaginative story about how you both met could be loads of fun. No one at the function will ever know that the charming person standing next to you has in fact been hired for this one particular occasion.

The other major benefit of hiring a date is that you're able to choose someone that might ordinarily be physically out of reach. If looks are not exactly your strongest point, hiring a date that looks more like a super model might give people the impression that you have some type of animal magnetism. This could definitely do wonders for your confidence and make you look very appealing to the opposite sex.

Here are some of the many types of occasions where hiring a date might prove to be very practical:
  • Hire a Wedding Date
  • Hire a Corporate Function Date
  • Hire a Business Function Date
  • Hire a Work Function Date
  • Hire a Picnic Date
  • Hire a Tour Guide
  • Hire a Wingman/Wingwoman
  • Hire a Coffee Date
  • Hire a Movie Date
  • Hire a Prom Date
  • Hire a Workout Partner
  • Hire a Family Function Date
These examples are some of the many types of situations that you could hire a date for. But although there are many traditional dating sites on the web, dating hire sites are far and few between. Dates for Hire is unlike any other dating site you have ever visited and it makes hiring a date an absolute breeze. Every member on our site has a video introduction and their own fixed hourly rate. Their profile also has a calendar and timetable that shows you all of the days and times they are available to be booked. If this is the type of service that interests you please visit today and hire your perfect date.

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